Quality Management

Quality Management at the Deutscher Wetterdienst

The Deutscher Wetterdienst is a service-providing public authority committed to high professional and technical standards in its performance. It operates a complex observation network using state-of-the art technologies for the recording and exploitation of data. Widely differing customers are supplied with advice and information on all questions concerning weather and climate. Warnings must be reliable and disseminated in good time. All this requires closest co-operation of very well qualified and highly motivated staff members who always have firmly in view the optimum servicing of the customers. High quality standards are achieved by providing data quality assurance, an improvement and complaints management, continuous internal and external quality monitoring, good quality documentation and a good quality management.

We invite you to explore these pages and learn more about the DWD's quality management system. What can you do if you are dissatisfied with the services provided by the DWD? How does the DWD deal with customer dissatisfaction? How is quality management at the DWD controlled? How is it documented?

The Quality Policy and Quality Objectives define the goals the DWD has set itself and describe how the DWD plans to achieve these goals and how it intends to improve its performance.

The DWD has been awarded the ISO 9001:2000 certification in 2004. Read here to know more about the DWD's ISO 9001:2000 certification, proving that the DWD's quality management was assessed by independent auditors.

In 2006, some branches of the DWD have also been accredited to the ISO 17025:2005 metrology standard. Read here to find out in which of its branches the DWD has its professional expertise confirmed by accreditation.